Colette M.Ritchie(2004年9月至2005年6月在我院任教)
Personal Details
Name: Colette M.Ritchie
Email: Colette.ritchie@centrelink.gov.au
Current Position: Manager
Debt Recovery Unit
East Coast
·Post graduate certificate in human
resource management(distinction) completed 2003.
Graduate certificate in HR Management
competencies: Organisational Development, Workforce Planning, Recruitment and
Selection, Reward and Recognition, Learning and Development, Performance
Management, Employee Relations, Workforce Diversity, and Legislative
responsibilities such as Occupational Health and Safety.
·Diploma of Frontline management completed
Diploma of Frontline Management
competencies: Change Facilitation, Development of Workplace Learning,
Professional Development, Leadership, Management of Operations, Teams,
Workplace information, Quality Customer Service, Occupational Health and
Safety, and Continuous Systems and Processes.
Other Courses & Training
·Human Resource information systems (HRIS)
·Small business training (1995)
·Book keeping (1990)
·Train the trainer (1991)
·Trade certificate hairdressing (1985)
Work Experience
December 2002-present
Team leader/manager
Recovery Unit
Area East Coast Team
unit: 47 staff
·Achieving Business and Quality Outcomes,
·Change Management,
·Business Improvement Planning,
·Resource Management,
·Workload management,
·Workforce planning,
·Recruitment and selections,
·Leadership development,
·Performance assessment, and
·Building partnerships with business and
March 2002-November 2002
Team leader
Employment services team
Sydney call centre
Centrelink,call network
Team units: 20 staff
Call centre unit: 150 staff
·Overseeing and managing a team of 20 staff
on a group and individual level;
·Team & individual performance
·Allocation of work, coaching and feedback;
·Monitoring of team performance, work flows
and quality;
·Operational /technology: planning and
delegation of staffing needs and requirements;
·Communications liaison with team and work
·Project management: development, and
implementation of working policies and practices.
November 2001- February 2002
manager Sydney
call centre Centrelink,
call network
Call centre staff: 150
The general direction and management of all
call centre operations such as:
·Achieving business and quality outcomes,
·Change management,
·Business improvement planning,
·Resource management,
·Workload management,
·Workforce planning,
·Recruitment and selections,
·Industrial relations,
·Occupational health & safety
·Leadership development,
·Performance assessment, and
·Building partnerships with business and